Learn How To Use The Latest Instagram Stories Features

The new Instagram Stories update includes three exciting new features. Read our article to find out how to use Boomerang in Instagram Stories, how to tag other Instagram users and add “Learn More” Links in your Stories.

Instagram Stories Update - How To Use The New Features

Introducing Boomerang In Instagram Stories

The first new thing you will notice when opening your Stories camera are the “Normal” and “Boomerang” view options at the bottom of the screen. “Normal” will let you create an Instagram story the same way you always do. By swiping right, you will access the “Boomerang” view where you can capture short Boomerang video gifs to use in your Stories.

Make sure to check out this article where we taught you how to use Boomerang to create Instagram gifs.

It is important to note that in order to use this feature in Instagram Stories, you will need to have the Boomerang app installed on your device. And also don’t forget that you will still be able to edit you Stories created with Boomerang the way you edit “Normal” Instagram Stories.

Tagging Other Users In Your Instagram Stories

With this latest Instagram Stories Update you now have the ability to tag other Instagramers in your Stories.

How to tag someone in your Instagram Story:

When you are done creating the visual for your Story, you see the usual editing options. To tag someone you need to open the text toggle and write the user’s handle with a “@” in front of it. Exactly the same way you would tag them in the caption of a regular post.

Ones you start typing, Instagram will give you ‘hints’ of who to tag.

One specific is that in order to tag someone, you need to either be following them or they need to be following you.

The limit of this feature is 10 handles. But be careful about the amount of users you tag in your posts in order not to oversaturate your visuals with text.

“Learn More” Links

The greatest new feature is probably the ability to add links in your Instagram stories.

insert learn more links instagram stories website links

This is the one thing many marketers have been craving for, for months. Instagram is known for not being a link-friendly social network. The only place where Instagrammers could place clickable links was the Bio section on their profiles. But with this latest Instagram Stories Update some users are now able to place actual clickable links right inside their Stories.

The option to include a link will be available right before you publish your story. And the links will appear at the bottom of your Story, where you usually see the amount of people who viewed your Instagram Story.

Instagram officials say that these links will be monitored in order to minimize spam and unwanted or harmful activity.

This feature is still being tested and is only available to verified Instagram profiles. However, it is believed that after this initial test period, the links feature will become available to everyone.

Did you already try these new features? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

If you liked this article, you should also check our 5+ ways to use Instagram stories for your business.

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