9 Types of Easter Pin

9 Types of Easter Pins - Pinterest

There are a lot of different types of pins that you can create around holiday themes such as Easter. Pins focusing on holidays and events are very popular around the time of that particular holiday, and if the pin is eye-catching, it will get substantially more re-pins.

Any holiday season is a great time for craft and food bloggers, there are a lot of ideas for very creative pins, but for those of you who are not in this niche, there are still a lot of original pins that you can create, just carry on reading for some inspiration….

1. The “How To” Pin.

easter pinterest pins ideas - how toA pictoral tutorial works extremely well on Pinterest, it is a long pin, and colorful, so will catch peoples attention more. This is originally from an interiors website, which shows that you don’t need to create pins directly related to your niche.

2. Funny Caption

Easter Pinterest Pins Funny Caption - how toCreate a funny image, and add calls to action in the pin. This pin is from an events planner, utilizing the holiday season to full advantage by creating a pin focusing on Easter party ideas.

3. Elegant PinElegant easter Pinterest Pin

This pin was created by chatelaine.com, a lifestyle website. They have created an Easter pin around a lifestyle theme.

4. Product Pin

 Product Pin pinterest easter how to


If you sell products, and they are related to Easter, then get the images on a pin, and upload now! Another idea is to create Easter items with your products, and then pin these. Don’t forget to add a good description, with keywords, and the price.

5. Collage Pin

easter pinterest Collage Pin - how to

This Easter pin was created by a photography blogger. A brilliant idea for photographers out there to create collages of holiday events, and pin them on Pinterest. But don’t despair, you don’t need to be a photographer! Just grab some images of Easter (though beware of copyright) and use a free tool such as picmonkey which is great for making collage images.

6. Free offers/giveawayspinterest pins Free offers/giveaways

Why not create some giveaways, and include in a pin? These free printables were created by the36thavenue

7. The Funny Pin

easter bunny pinterest The Funny Pin

Humorous pins are also very popular on pinterest, and pretty much guaranteed to get you some re-pins, if they are funny! You can create your own at someecards

8. Gift Guide Pin

easter pinterest Gift Guide Pin

Gift guides are a great idea, especially if you choose a particular theme, such as “Easter gifts for the man in your life” or “Easter gifts for girls” like the one above from the Shopping Mama

9. Holiday Traditions

easter pinterest Holiday Traditions pin

Every holiday has it’s traditions, so take advantage of this, and create your own traditions pin. It could be in the form of a checklist, or a collage, or quite simple like the one above from B-Inspired Mama,


  • include a good description of your pin, with keywords
  • Include a call to action in the pin description e.g. “for your free download/gift, click the link”
  • if the images are your own, then protect them with a watermark, either your logo, or website address. You can easily add them using this free tool

As I have shown,  there are a lot of different pins you can create around the Easter theme, and they are also easily transferable to other holidays and events.

Your products and services don’t need to directly relate to Easter, you just need a little imagination, and the skies the limit!

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